Dear one…

Arlene GrastonWhat is Real, is unlike the outer impressions that fill your ears and meet your eyes in the seeming constant that is your Human life.

Yet, the Real is the most constant of all.  It speaks of the most lovely tenderness.

It is glorious beyond words. It cares for you beyond what words can tell about it.

What is Real it is always at hand, in all situations.  It is the One who knows and who answers.  It is the allness of being.  It is here in its eternalness and you can know it as it is, not as it is portrayed.

It says such loving things to you, about you.  Things that are not too good to be true.  You have forgotten a little bit.  But this is not a concern.  No harm has been done.

Oh, Be Quiet

In the midst of the perceived bluster of human affairs
— it is here.  It is all that matters and Arlene Grastonsimple is the way to it.  No need to worry, for here within is the hearth that burns ever brightly, lighting the room filled with the friends and the tender patience of a deeply meaningful world. 

Just go there now.  Be there now.  Let your understanding be illuminated in ways you could not understand while you were searching for it

Be trustingly quiet and you will know.


It Doesn’t Announce Itself

arlene graston
I stand in the Quietness.
Gone are the shadows made by yesterday’s thinking.

As I look into the Void, the past is voided, for only Eternity is here
in the fullness of this tender moment.

It makes no sound, but I know
who I am.


It’s All So Simple

Arlene Graston - Simple
The Stillness that has no Name.
The richness of Nothing.
The allness of Everything.
The belonging to Everywhere.

This is what I am made of.  This is what animates me, surrounds me, fills me with Itself that It may have expression and that I may have the joy of aliveness.

It’s all so simple…Life.  Why complicate it?

Sweet Carousel

Good morning, dear one. You ponder your confusion this day while I come to bring you solace in understanding that there is a solution to your questioning.  Hand over the decision for your life to Me.  I am you; I am the you that you have lost touch with, but I am you.  You are filled with thoughts that carry you down a stream of seeming otherness.  You cannot shake this perception and you feel tossed about as if by an ill-wind.

Be very still as you consider My loving words.  Even though you feel fear, you stand on a solid base of harmony that can transport you to higher ground.  Be still, try not to understand.  Try not to make true perception happen.  The energy in your soul is all about you and your world is full with wonders.  Try nothing for a while.  Do not seek to understand the truths heard from other people.  This information is often sound and serves those who need it, but it does not speak to your unique sensitivity.

Your carousel in this world is intact and sweetly spinning.  It holds steadfast to inner rhythms while the surface, where the mirror of the world seems to be, a clear and gentle face of optimism reveals your soul.  Be still, dear one, know that you are being led to quietness.  There are signs all about, that the Wind that blows through the trees to whisper hope, is fully present in your garden.