

You come, and I reach out to you.  We embrace, and all is made right.  You have suffered so from thinking what is not true.  You think and think and think and wonder how to regain the understanding you believe has left you … but nothing has left you.  You have inserted into your awareness the belief that there is a need to regain Me.
This attempt to achieve an end, is the thing standing in your way.  You need do nothing, dear One.  Nothing.  You are here with Me.  As I am, are you.  Let go the outer.  Care not for the outcome.  Dare to trust.  Dare to not even concern yourself with how this lack of trust came to be.

In order for the inner to appear to your awareness, release your focus on the outer.  You cannot look at two worlds and see only one.  Honor Me.  I will honor you.

Beyond Words

It snows on days when the Sky has something to say about peace and quiet.  It snows when the air has turned cold but the warmth of the Stillness keeps the human heart from freezing over into emptiness.

It snows now, and in the quiet that comes with the falling whiteness, order fills my mind.  The whiteness of the snow is the same color as the peace it brings.

The trees that stand still when the wind is not in movement, allow the tender white to cover their branches.  Trees that would turn lush and green in summer now have donned a coat so full of stars that there is a new name to give to the Moment, a name not made from words for there is nothing to be offered by words to the Moment — it is a thing complete and in it, I am well.

It is only a poem, Life

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There are tender Kisses among the Trees
that start the gentle Breezes
ringing the Bells that move the Winter
to call the Snow to fall.

My world is One.

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The Only One

There pours out from me a Silent River, so deep, and so full with Love.  It is the Light
from which all lights shine and every star twinkles.  It is the Source of all and It holds
all expressions of Itself in the tenderest care; in the most cherishing arms. 

None will fall.  None will bring forth what It is not.  It is the very Breath that is breathed
in all of expressive form. 

It is the Beginning that had no start and will not ever end.
It is the Strength that hums with softness.
It is the Stillness that is full of song.

It is the One; the Only One.

It is This that Is, and now I know, who I am. 


Be That!

What do you want? asked the bird on the tree above my head.  It sang its words and I heard that a lovely day was in store for me.

What do I want? I asked myself.

I want to know what the wind is saying.  I want to know the secret the bells are holding in their chime.  I want to know how the sun makes its rounds in the world when its origin is the center of my heart.  I want to know many, many wonderful things of life.  But what I truly want, is to freely be myself in a world that feels like a magnetic pull outward to obey and never contradict it.

Oh Yes! said the bird.  Be that.