My Little House

There is a little stair in my home that reaches to the Stars.  I cannot see it with my eyes, and I don’t know it’s there until I stop looking at the world.  It leads to the house where I live in Eternity.   I visit it each night when the Human I am sleeps.  It is so good to be back among my little possessions that don’t possess me.  There, I am at peace and know a deep contentment, for all around me is the assurance of only Love and Acceptance.

It is the oddest thing to me that the Human that I am so ignores this part of us.  Nevertheless, it is the true nature of things in this Vastness with No Name.  It’s everywhere except, most of the time, in the Human that I am.  Such a forgetful creature is she.  I hope your Human is more awake.Arlene Graston

Sweet Carousel

Good morning, dear one. You ponder your confusion this day while I come to bring you solace in understanding that there is a solution to your questioning.  Hand over the decision for your life to Me.  I am you; I am the you that you have lost touch with, but I am you.  You are filled with thoughts that carry you down a stream of seeming otherness.  You cannot shake this perception and you feel tossed about as if by an ill-wind.

Be very still as you consider My loving words.  Even though you feel fear, you stand on a solid base of harmony that can transport you to higher ground.  Be still, try not to understand.  Try not to make true perception happen.  The energy in your soul is all about you and your world is full with wonders.  Try nothing for a while.  Do not seek to understand the truths heard from other people.  This information is often sound and serves those who need it, but it does not speak to your unique sensitivity.

Your carousel in this world is intact and sweetly spinning.  It holds steadfast to inner rhythms while the surface, where the mirror of the world seems to be, a clear and gentle face of optimism reveals your soul.  Be still, dear one, know that you are being led to quietness.  There are signs all about, that the Wind that blows through the trees to whisper hope, is fully present in your garden.

What Glistens

A distant room embodies me.

I wend my way inward and behold the Moon that glistens and sighs like a beating heart within the cave of my deepest self.

I am rusty now, having believed myself a human for far too long.  To be human is to live in a distant room containing layers of ancient thinking.

I listen for the faraway shore promising its healing rhythm to my heart’s knowing.  I listen for the cleverly disguised wisdom that lives in the deepest part of the oceans and wish it to come and settle in the shallow pool within my garden gate that I can drink from.  It will be splendid to have the return of the Being I once knew I was.

I am the one who wills to find the Light in the shadow.

Be Less Obedient

Be less obedient to the world, murmured my Soul.

Hear within you all that is needed and sufficient. Receive with an expectant heart the gift of My presence and express it to yourself.  Your trust in Me, by means of your trust in yourself, will carry you to the desired lands and to the depths of understanding that you have been calling out for.  See how the words being uttered here open your feelings of gladness.  This internal dialogue between us is real and more significant than any other in your outer world.  You are the means and, I, am the Self.

You do not need the agreement of the world.  You do not need the permission of the world.  You do not need the understanding of the world.  In Me, you will not be alone and lonely as you stand apart from the activities that formulate a world that seems real and significant, but is not that to you.

I am the very flooring of your house and I am strong and everlasting.  You can stand on Me and let the magnificence that cannot be seen with eyes transport each moment beyond the obvious.  You desire this.  You deserve this.  You are worthy of this.  It is your calling to receive this from yourself and it matters not that you lost sight of it, for in having lost sight of it, you better understand its true value and you see how, by its nature, it can so quickly become invisible in this world.

You have done nothing to diminish Me in you.  Only your self-doubt has accomplished painful things that trouble you.  You are not to make the world a happy place.  It doesn’t need happiness.  The world is not a place.  The purpose of life is not outer construct.  Its only activity is expression.  Not outcome.  You know this; be at peace with your knowing and don’t attempt to form a consensus with others about this.  Say nothing.  You only move an empty wind when using language.  Do your work quietly and trust that what that has yet to come into focus on the path before you—will be made manifest out of gentle and expectant unconcern.