Beloved Questions

On the left side of the field of flowers from where stands my house is a lovely tree that took root overnight.  I awoke to its presence one day while it swayed in the soft morning breeze and it felt, for all the world, as if it had been there forever.

So I ask myself: is the feeling more important than the sight?  Perhaps my eyes are slow to bring to vision what is there.  Perhaps my eyes are sleeping while great surges of energies take place, moving molecules through time and space to become the event that appears as if out of the blue.  What invisible impulse gave it birth?

The tree is real, for I have climbed it.  I have sat on its branches, looked out over the field of flowers and felt the bark in all its roughness touch my skin and leave a mark.  I have smelled its fragrant blossoms in the spring and tasted its luscious fruit when the world had turned very warm.

Why did the tree come to live with me?  Who is this voiceless creature of such beauty and why are we able to delight in one another?  Who is a tree?  I ask softly because I am afraid to be answered.  I live now in a world where real questions are never asked. I’ve been made to be silly for asking them.  Still, the person I am wonders about a lot of things never thought important.  I sense my sanity depends on keeping my wonderment alive.

Gathered in my pockets are the questions of all my hopes and dreams.  I know, I know, that life is not mysterious.  The mystery is that my fellow beings do not search their pockets for the treasure of questions waiting there.  The answer comes as a question, after all.

Life Loves Me

I see a big moon in my sky this night.  I see a lovely rush of moonlight cover the Earth that outlines the mountains with a glow that makes them appear to be Christmas trees.  I see as far as Forever yet never leave the moment. 

I am standing on a small island in a sea of contentment.  I have a boat and the promise of a map that rewrites itself to the needs of the moment.  I have a Captain who never tires and knows the way through uncharted waters for he is the waters and the lands within them. 

I am surrounded by the beauty that I see within myself and the presence of the moreness that inhabits my Soul.  I am a soul — a quiet place to be where no adjustment to life is ever necessary; where all has already been done, and where the Sun is my own whisper of light and the Moon my glowing companion through the unknown but not unknowable.

There is nothing more to doubt, for the Wings that hold me aloft have not lost their power or the sun lost its give.  I am flexible in movement and sure-footed and free.  I am the wind and the sailor’s compass.  I am all of this and much, much more … for Life loves me.

The Road Ahead

Enter your name in the sky that expands its Vastness beyond you, revealing the path of least resistance.  There is a road before you and all it does is open to what is yours and takes you to what belongs to you.

There is a reverie inside my head about another Place, another Way, and I start to wonder about so many things when I feel the call of the Great Being that moves the coverlet over the moon as the day reappears, new and full of promise.  The firelight that glowed all through the night warms away the winter chill of my human life and soon the rain comes merely to make a pattern of beauty and delight on my window pane. 

Yes, sometimes I see more deeply, sometimes I feel more truly, and then I love my little creature home nestled at the foot of the tender tree that overlooks this Earth filled with caring reminders of constancy.  My arrival in Goodness is assured for I have never left it.  I but dream I have.

Enter your name in the sky that expands its Vastness beyond you, revealing the path of least resistance.  There is a road before you and all it does is open to what is yours and takes you to what belongs to you, dear One. 

Our Journey

There are ripples in the night sky that look like indigo silk being pulled over the stars.  This is my thinking as it floats through Timelessness to create a new world.

There is music in the wind that comes from the hum in my heart that keeps reminding me that I am happy.  I take comfort in the stillness that dwells in my merry inner self.  I am embraced in a firefly’s wing.  I am small and eternal and vast and only this moment.  I am the center and the periphery and the light cast from the moon.  I am the sun’s shadow and the wall filled with climbing morning glory.  I am the promise made to me by the Love that animates only everything.

I am strong in my gentleness and wise in my joy.  I am a fool for tender things.  I am more than you know and more than I remember.  I am so much and it is all so simple.  I am the simplicity of placing one tiny foot in front of the other, following the brightly-lit stones that show me the path to take in the twinkling of EarthStars in an inverted sky.

I am the traveller who never leaves Home.  I see you are making the same journey.

And Love Said…

Live here now, dear one.  Slowly turn within and make the snail’s pace your own.  Faster than the Wind will be the gifts of the day that opens before you.  Listen carefully to Words that are not words.  Hear what the Silence says within you and dare to follow that which never ceases to bring Home the human heart that trusts in nothingness.

You are the Soul of the moon that carries the night into the day.  You are the bearer of glad tidings from the depth of a perceived darkness that is full of Light.  You are the Poet that opposes nothing but is everything, for you see the Bell’s peal and you hear the Color’s swell while standing in the Gentle Rain that makes visible the Garden that never closed its gate.

Be very still, dear one, and you will know Who you are.  It is time.