Little drops of laughter fill the petals of my flowers. They appear as bits of dew and let the morning shine all over as if the day’s beginning were a thing worth rejoicing in. I wander through the meadow of my yesterdays and wonder at the insanity I planted there. Apparently I allow no end to the nonsense I can consider real.
And yet, nothing of my true self can be altered by my foolishnesses, nothing in me, nothing that is mine, is harmed by the mistakes I have allowed to be made by my idle and fruitless human mind. I must remind myself that the human mind I am thinking I’m thinking with, isn’t real. It is a pure invention in forgetting. Life, being creative even when I am silly, will take my notions and render them into my actions and experience, never contradicting me, until I finally see for myself.
I have discovered, to my utter relief and delight, that making a mistake is a reminder to Let Go. It is meant to bring the understanding that dissolves all belief in regret, remorse, and punishment … although the world I live in so believes in punishment. Letting go is the Blessing my self-awareness brings when I am quietly present in the moment not filled with all the things I’ve been told. The deep Quietness within me speaks to me of my unchanging innocence and when I listen carefully, in that place with no words, I hear it too. And then I clearly see and hear the drops of laughter filling the petals of my flowers. And I know they are my tears of rejoicing in what is true about me and will always be true about me, even while I live in this world that tells me otherwise.