I Wonder

After the rain swept through the hours of my sleep, soft soothing mists lifted the heaviness from my thinking.  I am now one with the warmth of the Sun and begin to comb my tangled hair as the birds locked in its waves unfurl their frozen wings and fly to the golden expanse above us all.Arlene Graston

I stand quietly in my garden while a friendly wind comes friskily by, smiling and whistling a tune I have heard, but so long ago it feels as if it comes from another world, another time.  I know that I have come from another world, another time myself.  I know I have not always been like this, sitting upright in a chair putting fingertips to keys, watching what comes out of me.  What comes out surprises me … someone within me, it seems, wants to come out to play and tell of wonderful wonderful wonderful things.  Somewhere in me, I know of a forgotten Goodness.

I wonder who that someone can be!

My Way Of Thinking

Arlene GrastonTiny bits of stardust leave a trace on the mantle and all about the rooms of my house.

I am told that this is… just dust!

But dust is undesirable, not quaint or even very nice.  There is ever so much of it in this world that one has to wonder at its purpose for being.  I just can’t believe it exists for the reason that it has no reason.  To my way of thinking this makes no sense: all things live!  Dust must be magical Stardust perceived by a cluttered mind!

Said The Berry To The Clam

arlene-graston---silken-robeVery nice, said the berry to the clam.  Very nice, indeed.  There are tiny footprints all around the campfire on this warm November evening.  The moon is high and smiling, and the wind that has been heard but not felt, wakes up suddenly making the leaves from the far off trees fill the sky with silver stardust.

I am walking in this night and have no agenda of my own, though it could be said that a walk on a beach is a sufficient end in itself.  So, I am walking, my hands in my sweater pockets holding onto the key of my house and finding my way through the darkness thanks to the glow of the moon who is my beloved in my inner world.

My walk on the beach this night is filled with enchantment.  I go to the place I started from long ago when I came to dream in this place with beaches and berries and clams.  It is hazardous to come here, for the wind is fierce and takes pleasure in tearing away the possessions most dear to one’s deepest sense of self.  One comes here, it appears, to be challenged, to find and devise clever ways to fool the wicked wind that is so determined to make one part with the essence of one’s being.

This looks like a treacherous world, filled with clever imps in the guise of wicked evildoers.  Follow your heart and stay the course of your dreams IF YOU CAN, for plenty will be the devises used to take you off your course and draw you away from your intention.  I have come to understand that the real nuisance is the one within who is drawn to these distractions.  If one is intelligent one would listen only to the wisdom of the true moon that resides within one’s inner sky.  This is the truly wise one, always awake, ready to steady the self and draw the tides inwardly, and let the self remain safe from the misery brought on by enticements of a meaningless sort.

There is such a moon in me, an eternal light that guides and whispers.  It is the lovely portion of cool sun that is mine to rely upon while traveling in a dream that needs a strong lantern’s light to get through the shadows of a world in doubt.  With it, I am equipped for anything and can handle the moment-by-moment journey with a guidance that keeps me sure-footed.

My quiet moon-filled inner reality is my own sweet portion of Infinity and is created out of what I myself feel life to be and what I myself have been created to express.  Surely, with this understanding in mind it is not necessary to find agreement with others.  They do not see my moon’s light and the beauties that are revealed in its glow.  It also appears they do not see their own, but I know it is there.

I have been here before, I know that what I see is what I am and this is sufficient for my happiness. I am a candle existing for Life’s brilliance.  I am, that It may shine.

The Wind’s House

I sit in the middle of a world that looks full but is only a reflection of inner thoughts.  Mine, from where I sit.  Yours, from where you sit.

Arlene Graston - weblightI sit in the middle of the Wind’s house and the new becomes the newer and the bitter has gone from my mind and my heart.  The Snow that melts down from the higher realms is sustenance for my soul, and life’s blood for my veins.  All that the Universe is moves through me and animates me, and makes my life happen as if on purpose, but I know that I only dream this place I see as being all around me.

Yes, it is only a dream I dream, forming outer vistas from inner landscapes of polished floors holding dainty dancers that glide and do not believe they are making believe. They would have me join them in the making-believe but the Sun that was the day before has become the Moon of now, opening doorways cleared of cluttering fears.  I am fully alive, for I am Life.  And I tell myself the truth about illusion because my Realty, is Forever.

What Glistens

A distant room embodies me.

I wend my way inward and behold the Moon that glistens and sighs like a beating heart within the cave of my deepest self.

I am rusty now, having believed myself a human for far too long.  To be human is to live in a distant room containing layers of ancient thinking.

I listen for the faraway shore promising its healing rhythm to my heart’s knowing.  I listen for the cleverly disguised wisdom that lives in the deepest part of the oceans and wish it to come and settle in the shallow pool within my garden gate that I can drink from.  It will be splendid to have the return of the Being I once knew I was.

I am the one who wills to find the Light in the shadow.