Two Worlds, One Love

Secretly, I empower myself from an invisible-feeling world―the one that appears to have been replaced by objectified imaginings filling an empty space.

I’ve come to see a world of solid matter even though I have remained within the reality of the I Am. There are Seeds for living embedded in rivulets of knowledge that course through my Body that is not the body I see from the ordinary day’s perspective. Within me abides an Oasis that holds continents of possibilities―lands filled with the Beauty found only in the quietest contemplation.

These unearthly Wonders emit sounds that can be discerned only when one listens with luminous faith: Out of nothing is the something made, is heard there. Out of serene wakefulness is the true reality created. And yet while dreaming of matter, I hold pens and brushes and paints and inks for forming thoughts that can be given and shared. Illusion can be delightful and … innocent.

Nevertheless, I find a consistently better world when I have gone within the great silence and stayed awhile drinking deeply of the stillness I find there. In this peaceful place, my heart and I are told that all is well and never can be otherwise. The stillness is freedom, a place so joyful that it cannot be talked about but merely basked in and treasured as a sure place of refuge from that dream of illusion―no matter how lovely it can be at times.

Need there be refuge since there is none but Life’s own goodness? Refuge only, from my own thoughts and attitudes that take me away from the infinite Self at play.

I am choosing to remember who I am in this dream with its odd thoughts and attitudes embodying me. One day, I will again perceive the single reality as one world. Until then I will be patient with myself. After all, I’m the one dreaming the misperception, even in my innocence. I need to love myself to know what is real. Only self-doubts show me a world in pain.

What Higher Kindness?

There exists a quietness at the back of my world that has become a thing foreign to my educated mind. This invisible peacefulness courses all around me and when I listen carefully, I sense its source is within me.

It reveals itself to my awareness as a generosity of being. I am glad this is so, for I’ve been disheartened to keep finding in my cupboards goods that never fill my needs. I have forgotten what I contain within myself in the pursuit of joining a perception looking only outwardly. The silent presence of Goodness tells me who I am as it softens the accrued doubts and fears I have come to believe in.

It isn’t nice to doubt one’s own worth, and it is an odd thing to do. I brought this discord upon myself by a daily practice of not expressing my internal truth. This passivity chipped away at my identity and left me dis-empowered and unknowing of my spirit. To rectify this I must forgive this error in perception and release judgment of each “mistake” it caused. I have to cease condemning myself for falling asleep to the Subtle.

To fall asleep to Life and to ask to awaken in the midst of dreaming is the gift to one’s lost self of one’s true Nature. It is the call heard by Life and will be honored with fulfillment. It is the way out of the human dilemma: the belief in guilt and death.

What higher kindness can I do for myself? To perceive the “flypaper” that is mental error and to say, “please, no more loss,” is to be born rightly at last. Space/Time will return to the nothing it is and all that “took place” there will be dissolved and resolved forevermore.

Heavenly Hints

Soften your mind to know what is real. The One Life you do not see or hear and cannot touch, is fully present. Do not be loud. Do not continue to think and feel as you have come to think and feel―it isn’t telling you who you are.

The wisdom you need for living speaks only in hints. Be soft in order to sense this silent hinting. Your eternal origin speaks to you and brings guidance to the temporal human understanding. Invisible Spirit inspires right order. It inspires being free to create, to express, to give forth without constraint and condemnation of self. Soul is the sacred inner authority in the midst of conformity.

You no longer see yourself as free, but not seeing is nothing. Not hearing is nothing. These say nothing of loss. You cannot lose your substance and actuality. You are an infinite being and it is revealed in what appears simple and plain. You are the unchangeable nature of Self. You are this now and nothing has interfered. While in the dream you decided you must join the world and not go within, but go within. It is where the truth lives in you. That is all you need do to perceive a meaningful world. Only that: Listen to the source of Life.

All that this truth has ever required of you is a gentle softness of mind. This softness came with you into the dream. It waits for you to rest in it and see your life from its perspective. The tumultuous human world is created only from a point of view, not from the Source of being. You are standing on hallowed ground. That ground is silent and invisible and need only be acknowledged. Act from mere acknowledgement. The Infinite will fill your every movement.

Divine Disobedience

There can be seen in the human world, fireflies that illuminate the night skies. They dance and twirl and the Joyful patterns formed by their movements tell of the wonder of a deeper Reality … if one can believe in such a thing.

I can, and I feel something vibrant stir within me as I watch these tiny creatures that have been merely scientifically portrayed to me.

I am so glad I don’t believe all the things I’ve been told by other people.

Symbolically Speaking

I live in a world made of symbols. Symbols that I see, hear, taste and touch … and am seduced to believe. Yet there is a place in this world where undisguised Truth is quietly standing, waiting to be found by being understood for what it is. This quietly standing one, is All.

For me, who perceives only symbols now, there exists a word which, being only a word, “symbolically” directs me to this quiet Truth. It is a word I know well and use often. If I make this word an actuality, I am brought to the ineffable, to the unseen realm of goodness and happiness. When I’m there, deep knowing no longer withstands mere beliefs.

Beliefs possess no Light and Love. Beliefs are symbols―symbols keeping life remote and indifferent; cold, even―at least to my mind. An accumulation of mere beliefs has formed a world hard and intransigent around me. Beliefs are from intellectual separation―concepts held as reality, binding me to the fleeting and unreachable. A mind separated from Self must rely on symbols, they are its currency and reduce experience to the “good” or “bad.” But as I search through my collection of beliefs and utterances, I find a little word signifying something so unlike my outer world that I have walked past it and not seen it is a guidepost.

When I am where this little word takes me, I am fulfilled of Being and complete in Self. I am more than free―I am Freedom. Heeding no external certainty, needing no acceptance from without, Life’s River flows from me and appears to come to me with the bounty of all my deepest wishes come true―of course, I wish only for the meaningful. Then as if by magic, the symbols my human mind still encounters have no power to constrain my giving of my Self. I clearly hear and make heard the song I am, when I come from the … Silence.

Now isn’t that an important little word to have in one’s possession?