The Eternal New Year

The Snow, without uttering a single sound, is falling all over the Trees.  I know the Trees love this moment.  They feel dressed in a Winterness they look forward to each year.

The dormant leaves deep within the frozen limbs are rejoicing in this moment, too, as they wait with confident breath for their call to awaken from slumber.  That which will be the future has begun its Song from within the depth of Nothingness where all true things find origin.  Just as, I, in each Moment that reveals itself, find myself being reborn to come forth and reveal the splendor of being alive.

I rejoice in myself as this splendid thing and from this deep knowing, share my joy with all Life.

The Only Thing That Is Not Forever

I love to sing with the thrushes as they build a warm nest for their young. Our voices blend and the sun that hears joins in. It isn’t long before the leaves on the trees fill the air with their rustled whispers and make the World twirl in a brand new discovery of self expression. Joyfully we dance to the cadence of the Eternal Dance.

A very great Depth of Being created me and the thrushes. We were given awareness to show forth the Starlight of our origin in Eternity. In us there is great Peace and an infinite Knowledge that need never be learned or searched for. It is only when I play at being Human that I must work at remembering that this is how I really dance. And, that I sing with the thrushes.

The Candle We Left Behind

I will tell you today about a small unlit candle that I left behind in a hidden corner of a beautiful garden that I no longer visit.  It is a most magical garden that has gone into shadow for me as I’ve become distracted by the bright bugle sounds that fill my current world.

When I lived in that beautiful garden, the little candle glowed from within me, giving me its light, its warmth, and its guidance.  It resided right here in my heart, and I never knew darkness or confusion.

When I decided to go dream about that other world, I could not take the little candle with me, for in that other world, light is poised from without in a big lamp that sits in a sky that is often blue. Once in a while, that lamp goes away and the blue sky turns an ever deeper blue until it becomes black. When it is black it appears flecked with tiny specks that wink at me and seem to say unknowable things that stir my heart to memories I cannot remember. I call out to them but they are too far to hear.

“Too far,” isn’t that odd?  In my garden there was a Nearness that never faded.  Oh, what spell can I be under to think myself now in such a nonsensical world of gaps and measures?  What spell is this that has me often managing to be beguiled by this nonsense, while so many can never be sober enough to enjoy a world that seemingly captivates them, little realizing that they are missing a little candle that is patiently waiting to light their hearts once more.

Tell Yourself

You are a full Circle, dear One. In your inner world, the world beyond the world of words, lives the gloriousness of new dawnings that erupt with each of your breaths.

Your every movement is a Morning.  A morning…only you…can bring to your world.  It is…as you…that the Infinite plays its Instrument of loving song.  It is…through you…that a Garden redolent with blossoms of such life-affirming magnificence unfolds, urged into being by a single sigh, a single intention, showing Simplicity’s wealth, free of the shadows of doubt and forgetting.

Need you tell of this to others?  No, no, only in the telling of this to yourself will the world you now journey in show it forth, for you are the Receiver and the Giver of the Light that emanates from your silent dialogue of what you are and, this, brings Life into view.  All, are the Receiver and the Giver.  None, is left out.  Be restful in this knowledge.  You have been made whole.  Nothing more need be done … but to be joyful.

When I Don’t Listen To The World

Little drops of laughter fill the petals of my flowers. They appear as bits of dew and let the morning shine all over as if the day’s beginning were a thing worth rejoicing in. I wander through the meadow of my yesterdays and wonder at the insanity I planted there.  Apparently I allow no end to the nonsense I can consider real.

And yet, nothing of my true self can be altered by my foolishnesses, nothing in me, nothing that is mine, is harmed by the mistakes I have allowed to be made by my idle and fruitless human mind. I must remind myself that the human mind I am thinking I’m thinking with, isn’t real. It is a pure invention in forgetting. Life, being creative even when I am silly, will take my notions and render them into my actions and experience, never contradicting me, until I finally see for myself.

I have discovered, to my utter relief and delight, that making a mistake is a reminder to Let Go. It is meant to bring the understanding that dissolves all belief in regret, remorse, and punishment … although the world I live in so believes in punishment. Letting go is the Blessing my self-awareness brings when I am quietly present in the moment not filled with all the things I’ve been told. The deep Quietness within me speaks to me of my unchanging innocence and when I listen carefully, in that place with no words, I hear it too.  And then I clearly see and hear the drops of laughter filling the petals of my flowers.  And I know they are my tears of rejoicing in what is true about me and will always be true about me, even while I live in this world that tells me otherwise.