Gentle Discipline

Deep in the Invisible, is a single pure Flame that burns brightly in a timeless Hearth. The Room It warms is filled with friends and patience and the many colors of kindness. When I quietly think of that Warmth and imagine standing in that Room, I am assured of all I already possess. In me is the ever present Life-givingness.  It is what I am and what I need not seek.

In this dream world where my lesser nature rails and sobs, there is a higher ground of Being waiting for my awareness. Yes, only, awareness. Then, I see a Presence illuminating my understanding in ways so unthinkable to my human mind.

Ironically, unhappiness is often what I use to remind myself to look for this inner wisdom.  Of course, simply stopping to consider who and what I am in each quiet moment, would be an easier way to find it.  Unhappiness is such a silly old habit … and most unreliable.

The Presence In The Empty Room

When I was Home in Heaven (no, not that heaven, the Real one), I loved my Empty room. It was a pocket of calm and creativity in All That Is, for Emptiness is not a vacuum, there being all sorts of Goodness lurking within the Within of Everything, and always found to overflowing in the Empty rooms that inhabit Forever.

I am not at present living in an Empty room, and this is a problem. I find myself in lots of confining clutter as I spend Time with the self that does not clearly see her Home in Heaven. In Empty rooms there is so very much space. So much room to imagine. Imagine what can be imagined in an Empty room, this quiet place for holding forth the celebration of Life. Imagine what can be created!  I just loved that Empty room of mine and I loved what it did to my thought. In it I heard my Heart and my Heart showed me ALL the delights in being alive. Oh, it was so nice.

Since I’ve been away from there, I’ve been trying to bring the Memory of all that to my clutter, and even some of that wondrous Emptiness to my Heart. But it’s tricky, because I am so easily distracted by appearances since I’ve been fooled into thinking I am not at Home in Heaven. Still, I am persisting. I know you are too.

Believe in secret

Go to the quiet place, dear One.  Go to the sweetest thought that mind can give and see that it is yours for all time, capable of filling all space.  It is yours, this beauty that keeps knocking at your heart saying, can you see me?  Can you believe how close I am and how dear you are to me?  We are one, dear One.  No thought of otherness separates us, even when you have thoughts of otherness. 

 I am what you want from life and what you want to be giving to life; your life, your canvas of celebration.  I am the Song in your heart that wants to be heard.  You want to hear it but you have been afraid to believe in its reality.  You have been afraid to believe in your reality in relation to it.

 The thing you want, the thing dearest to your heart has come to look to you like that thing of frivolous unimportance.  How the world around howls its view of what is important.  And you have come to be a bit confused and you have withdrawn into yourself but not into yourself enough.  You have gone into the shadow place and you have not found what makes worlds come alive.  You have been afraid to believe what you know–being so full of what the world believes.  But, you know what you want and you are asking for it–and in the asking it is becoming evident–even as you watch the world around you spew the same old meaninglessness.

The thing you want is not anything you can speak of to others.  It is the thing to tell yourself.  It is the truth that comes from the Self within that has waited to have you hear.  It waits with gentle hands resting on your brow, stroking away all the forgotten-ness that has become too real, too painful to endure.

 You want to believe in what you no longer feel. You have waited for someone else to help you feel.  But you need no one.  You need no one.  Nothing has gone away from you.  The Real is still real.  It is here, breathing its sweet breath, living from its brave heart and filling all space before you and all around you with confirmation of its Presence.  Believe in secret.  Believe your secret life and rest deeply on its strength and purpose for you.

You Are Not The World That Whirls About You


You come to Me in halting steps.  You think of Me as you do another being in your world, arms crossed and at odds with you.  You are prepared to receive a blow to your heart.  But it is otherwise with Me.  I am the Gentle One.  I am the One you know best of all but are not sure about anymore. 

I am your True Nature.  In spite of all the things you feel about yourself and the world that whirls about you, at the deepest center of your being is peace.  It is a peace not known in the world that whirls about you.  In fact, the world that whirls about you is in your mind, is but an illusion about yourself. 

You want to come to Me and wrap yourself in love and absolute acceptance.  You can do this if you look within. Trust in your ability to imagine. Trust the subtle thoughts of your mind.  Trust what takes place in yourself and need no consensus. Trust. Trust. Trust Me.  Trust yourself as Me.  We are one and we can be in peaceful harmony even while there whirls a world of fantasy and seeming turmoil about you.

You wonder how to come to Me and bask in the radiant warmth of My Life as all about you others cry out in pain.  It is to their pain that the love you share with Me brings answers, but not as you know answers in the world that whirls about you.  Answers from Me abound in you.  You are afraid of this dialogue.  Come to it nevertheless…it will expand in your heart until the time when all resistance is gone from you.  You will hear this quiet knowing, you will know this quiet voice, you will remember who you are and all harm you have feared will be declared null and void, for it never happened.  Never.

I am you in the best of yourself.  You are Me and all that I am.  Be assured, Beloved, there is nothing separating us. Trust the quiet Quiet that your mind can imagine.  Trust your imagination.  It will make Me real to you.

And The Gentle One Said…

Dearest One–

Come with me to the magic garden in your mind.  In your quiet mind you will find peace and all things worthy of contemplating.  I am the One you seek and I whisper tender Words that are more than words.  I whisper life itself, and it will fill you and expand you to vastnesses of beauty and joy that you can dream of and delight in and never lose.

Beloved one, in each moment, in each breath, I am with you.  I never look away.  My light never dims.  I am always at hand, supporting, under-girding, guiding, showing the clarity of the path ahead that you travel to discover ever more of who and what you are.  Your life is a precious self-discovery, one created to have you know Me and find fulfillment in simply being.

Yes, your life is a constant self-discovery.  Constant is the flow from within to fill your outer world with the song and dance of your uniqueness in Me.  Each moment, each moment, each moment, I am here.  There is nothing else but my Presence.  Feel it in yourself as you softly quiver to the Smile that I make within you to tell you of the joy I have in you being one who reveals I am here.

Believe only this, Beloved.